
Keyboard Studies Programme

The Keyboard Studies Programme was launched to provide high-quality organ and piano tuition across the Diocese to choristers, school pupils and adult learners and now works with over 1000 children each week. With a national decline in students learning the organ, the programme aims to reintroduce this instrument steeped in tradition to students of all backgrounds, teaching them valuable musical skills and opening doors to opportunities in further education, and skills in choral direction and accompaniment. Pupils currently benefit from organ, piano, accordion and melodica tuition through the Programme.

For more information on the Keyboard Studies Programme or to be added to the lessons waiting list, please contact

Whole-Class Melodica Sessions

Schools who participate in our Schools Singing Programme are also eligible to sign up for whole-class melodica sessions through our Keyboard Studies Programme. Sessions build on the foundations laid by whole-class singing sessions, using the same systems to explore more complex musical terminology and technique while remaining fun, engaging and rooted in faith.

Individual Lessons

We believe that one-to-one tuition is crucial for the full development and confidence of young musicians. We are proud to provide individual singing, organ, piano and accordion lessons to members of our choirs and strive to make tuition accessible at the point of need and have bursary options available for cases of financial hardship.

We are grateful to the Liz and Terry Bramall FoundationWade’s Charity and a number of other trusts that provide bursaries so that all talented children are able to receive lessons, irrespective of their financial circumstances.

If you are interested in supporting our young musicians, please click here for more information.

Organ Lessons

Our team of expert organ tutors teach students of all abilities to play using the magnificent organs of the Diocese.

Former organ students have gone on to organ scholarships at Oxbridge colleges and churches across the UK.

Accordion Lessons

We’re delighted to offer choristers in our Leeds Cathedral Choirs and students at St Josephs Catholic Primary School, Bradford accordion lessons at a subsidised rate. Our expert tutors help students explore keyboard skills on an instrument they can easily practice at home.

All students are offered an accordion on free loan.

Piano Lessons

Choristers in our Leeds Cathedral choirs are currently offered piano lessons with our expert tutors at a subsidised rate.

Our piano tutors also visit Leeds Cathedral Choir School and St Bede’s and St Joseph’s Catholic College in Bradford, offering subsidised lessons to our choristers who are pupils there, in partnership with the schools.

We hope to widen this provision to choristers in all of our choirs in time.